A good deed gone wrong – Night Market

After a delicious dinner at a vibrant street market, we decided to have a walk along the Night Bazar of Chiang Mai.

Our first meeting with a seller was kind of shocking: a woman told us *fuck you* because, after bargaining, she didn’t like the price we offered.

On our way back, I saw a stuffed animal 🧸 falling from somewhere.. I was not able to see any kids but just to hear like a sad kid voice.. After looking around a little bit, I looked up.. from a balcony a kid and two parents, looking at me with a smile and hopefully asking me to throw back up to them the little toy of the kid. I thought “why not!”, I grabbed the teddy bear, I looked up and then I threw it.. it flew up, touched the balcony and fell again.. but this time in a basin of water in the back of a restaurant.. I was feeling so embarrassed. I mimed with the lips “I’M SORRY” and run away!

I’ll probably never meet them again, but it was so awkward, despite this I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF TONIGHT 😂

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