
That couple over there, who is always happy on social media, donā€™t they ever fight?

That couple who is smiling every day in the stories, that couple who is kissing every day on reels, are they always that happy?

ā€˜Cause we fight.. usually on those days we are not posting that much.. But Iā€™ve seen couples, (one in particular pops up in my mind) they were always happy, always perfect, always everything and then.. they broke up.

So Iā€™m here asking myself.. whatā€™s real, the reality or social media?

Is it real what we want others to believe is real or is it real what we are really experiencing?

Why is so difficult to share even bad moments on socials.. why are we embarrassed of sharing also the unusual ā€œinstagram realityā€?

Today I wanna put myself out there. Iā€™m not proud of myself but still I wanna share it..

The majority of the times we fight is because I donā€™t communicate or I donā€™t listen, from the little things to the big things..

This is not okay. This behavior is toxic. This is not making me and obviously Mat happy, but still I keep doing it..

Sharing this rn is kind of a communication exercise, and even though it may be difficult to post I also think that sharing this can be a proper act to improve and learn how to communicate better and be more open.

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