Life is strange..

I’m here on a bus in my lover’s hug reading such a cool book and all I can think of is “you should edit, you should work”.
Sometimes we give for granted how lucky we are. There’s food in my stomach, I’m heading to a new country with the person I love the most, I get to sniff her sweet smell as she’s hugging me and this good book in my hands has been keeping my mind busy, but still I feel guilty.

We humans are so strange.
I don’t wanna feel guilty about not working for few hours while on a bus. I don’t wanna compare myself to other workaholics out there. I am myself and if reading a book while cuddling with my girlfriend on a bus to Cambodia gives me happiness, then I shall do so.

So yes we are going to Cambodia.
And if you’re feeling guilty for something as well stupid, please don’t.

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