My first stamp

Yes, you read that right, today I crossed my first non European country and my passport is no more new.

In this part of the world is 11:34 PM, I’m sitting on a chair of a budget airbnb, I’m eating some salty chips and I could not be happier.

The last five days were really all over the place, we slept averagely 4/5 hours per night, we worked from 7AM to 3AM to plan this trip and the only thought that pops in my mind is ‘I LOVE THIS LIFE’.

I don’t know if in some weeks or months I would be of the same opinion, ‘cause this job can be really exhausting (I’m not complaining), but rn this is the life I wanna live, or at least give it a try.

I cannot wait to post all the new contents we are creating, and I cannot wait to make the most and have so much fun from this adventure.

See you in another post.

With love.

One Response

  1. Dear Angie I’m so happy about your fantastic experience and I cannot wait about your super interesting contents
    I think you’ll be able to live your life as you prefer

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