I’m in love with Australia. People are incredibly kind. Landscapes are magnificent. Ocean is breathtaking. Weather though could be better, it’s summer but it’s cold.
The last few days were all over the place.. we are on a rented van that looks like the Mystery Machine, which is pretty cool and everybody is smiling at us.. excepting a group of boys who decided to violate our tranquility acting as maniacs. One boy was filming, others were laughing and one jumped on our van. He did it twice. The second time he showed us his intimate parts.
I was feeling so bad. I was feeling so hurt, so unsafe.
The day after we drove 130km to report the fact to a police station.
We looked for a safe parking spot for the night (where I’m writing) which is near a pub, and yesterday night we got drunk. We drank so many beers and at the end of the night I vomited. Mat cleaned everything after me, and when I say everything is everything. Mat changed my clothes, Mat cooked dinner, Mat took care of me. I’m feeling so safe with her. Even after an ‘accident’ with a maniac she has the ability to make me feel safe. And this morning I woke up and thought ‘girl you’re so lucky.’
All of this just to say that if you are with the right person they will always be there for you.
And I love my person so much.
3 Responses
I feel sorry that this happened to you. I apologise on behalf of Australia. This is an isolated incident, & will probably not happen to you again ever. I wish I could take all the pain away from you, give you a big hug & tell you that you are safe & protected. We are travelling also up the East Coast & are now near Qld. Keep going, we enjoy your vlogs & wish you the best. Big hugs & big love to you both.
Angie carissima questo tuo tributo all’amore che Matilde prova per te è bellissimo e sono convinta che sarebbe accaduto lo stesso che Mati avesse avuto bisogno di te
La cosa che concordo pienamente è che Matilde fa sentire al sicuro e protegge sempre ❤️
P.s. Anche io sono stata accudita da voi all’Elba ahhahahah
Quanto accaduto è grave e spero che la cosa non si ripeta, ma non dovete rattristarvi e cercate di mettere una pietra sopra
Continuate la vostra stupenda avventura 😘