We have been in Bangkok for almost a week and all we’ve seen is the inside of the apartment we are staying at plus the road that leads to the cheapest supermarket we could find. Aka we’ve seen nothing of Bangkok.
Why so? We had to edit and travel planning. And that means no moving around for us, cause otherwise we would end up filming more videos which would need to be edited and that’s more work on top of what we already have.
I thought about filming our work vacation, as we like to call them, but same.. that would mean more work in the end and that’s properly not the aim.
Proudly I can say though that this week has been incredibly productive and maybe for once in our lives we’ve managed to keep it up with our plan. Which means the vlogging stars again!
So now you know that full time travel vloggers don’t actually travel FULL full time.. or at least we don’t 😅