we are leaving the Maldives

and I have mixed feelings about that..

Our last few days on Ukulhas island were some of the best days of my life. We went snorkelling and scuba diving, seeing the most marine life I’ve ever seen. The weather was perfect. The water was warm. We had adapted to cooking in the small kitchen of our guest house. We had found a routine after the rough first days on the island.

And now we are leaving. 

It’s not like I’m sad about it cause still we’re heading to a new place I’ve always wanted to see and we have cool ideas to realise there. But still. Ukulhas it’s breathtaking. 

I cannot wait for you to see our vlog about our stay here. We tried our best to keep things real and show all the aspects that come with your stay here. This place it’s not heaven but let’s say nature here it’s insanely beautiful. 

Maybe someday we’ll be back. 

Maybe we’ll come back in a different way. 

Who knows.

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