We are on a train in Thailand.

Two girls sitting in front of us. They both wear a veil. They’re very likely Muslim. But they’re like Angie and I.
They hold hands, share food, cuddle each other and just seem to be more than friends.
Could they be.. a couple?!
I’m not sure.
Angie asks me the same question I’ve been wondering for a while..
“Are they a couple?”

I’ve no clue. I don’t even know if that’s possible. Their religion wouldn’t allow. So why would they be wearing a burqua if they’re lesbians.
Maybe they are a couple, just not out. But to my eyes that’s so obvious to be “in the closet”.

My thoughts keep rolling and still have no clue.

Maybe they’re just friends.
Maybe they would like to be a couple but cannot.

I don’t know.
I just feel lucky to have Angie by my side and to be able to call her my girlfriend.

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