We just bought the tickets. 

The tickets to make our first idea a reality. 

And I’m scared. So scared.

I’m second thinking all our thoughts.. I’m worried we didn’t make the right choice. That we may have chosen our first idea wrongly..

But then if I refrain myself from thinking for just one second and I breathe.. I realise there’s no right choice.. especially in our crazy adventure that sticks to no definition. 

I’m afraid as well we might have made our first big mistake.. we didn’t double check dates for Airbnbs and now we may end up spending more money to stay at a decent place or we may sleep in a shack.. I genuinely cannot tell which is worse.. 🤣

But then again I stop and look at this mistake from a different perspective..

What we’re attempting to do is something we’ve never tried in our life. Attempting to make each of our ideas a reality is an ambitious project.. so there will be mistakes.. like today and even bigger, but what really matters is that, as long as we’re enjoying and having fun in the process, we will be doing what we envision is right for us. 

A more expensive Airbnb or a “wrong” airplane ticket cannot make our big crazy idea less incredible. 

2 Responses

  1. There’s no wrong ideas when you are a great super girl ahhahah
    Have a very super adventure and let it be

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